In case you landed here and are wondering what this blog is about - I have decided to create a plan and document my progress towards the objective of attaining a scratch handicap. Hopefully by sharing my progress I will remain disciplined and who knows maybe inspire someone else to achieve their own goals.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Back to the grind

After the debacle that was last weeks qualifier, I went 5 days without picking up a club.
Spent some time reflecting on why I didn't qualify.  77 was the number, something that should be well within my grasp on an average ball striking day.   Unfortunately, chipping was my downfall.  It is no longer a technique issue.  It's more of a nerves thing I guess.  In tournaments where I really want to qualify/do well, I tend to be very tentative and this manifests itself mostly around the greens.  As I don't fully trust my chipping and pitching technique yet I tend to be cautious leading to deceleration - at least that's my theory.
Not sure how to get past the nerves/tension issue.   Maybe it's something that comes over time?  I suppose I could just take a couple of shots of brandy before each round.

On a more positive note, I shot 77/76 over the weekend.  The 76 was in the club matchplay.  Won 2 up.  Was pretty happy after being 3 down on the 7th tee.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Desperately Seeking Short Game

Thoroughly depressed after today!
Had a GA state am qualifier at Atlanta National.  Shot 83! 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Staying in the moment

I think thats what the pros refer to it as.
Yesterday, I got off to a great start - three under through five on Lakeside.  Then came the rain delay and I started thinking about possibly breaking 70 for the first time.   That was the end of that.  I preceded to double bogey the first hole after the rain delay.   I ended up shooting 73 but it should have been better.
Once I started thinking about shooting a low number, I started playing like I was hanging on for dear life.   Everything became tentative.
The thing is, this has happened before and its a mental barrier I need to find a way of getting over.   There's a lot of cliches out there ("stay in the moment", "one shot at a time" etc).   Not sure how to address this one!!
On a more positive note, the driver and 3W are working very well and putting is markedly improved.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

More club fitting - 3 Wood

A couple of years back, I found a 5 wood (TaylorMade V Steel) that I really liked.  It had a Penley shaft (stiff flex).   It's probably my favorite club in the bag.  So shortly thereafter I purchased a similar 3 Wood with the same type of shaft.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June Handicap Revision

Handicap now at 3.5.   Had a few good rounds in May to cut 1.5 shots.
However, still a little behind where I had hoped to be in terms of ball striking.
The new driver and playing the Penta ball has definitely helped.   Not yet  as comfortable as I would like with the driver, but I figure I have gained about 20 -25 yards.
The real room for improvement remains on and around the greens.
Have a Georgia State Amateur qualifier this month at Atlanta National, so that is going to be my main focus.  In advance of that I am going to try get a little more comfortable with the driver, get lots of putting practice in and try to compress the irons a little better.