In case you landed here and are wondering what this blog is about - I have decided to create a plan and document my progress towards the objective of attaining a scratch handicap. Hopefully by sharing my progress I will remain disciplined and who knows maybe inspire someone else to achieve their own goals.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tour Player vs Low Handicapper

A friend shared some data with me (that I believe originated from Dave Pelz), on the statistical differences between a tour player and the average low handicap golfer. Not sure what is the exact definition of a low handicapper, however I think it makes for some interesting reading.

Low-Handicap Amateurs vs Tour Pros

3% fewer 6-footers made
4% fewer 3-footers made
12% fewer 9-footers made
13% shorter drives
22% fewer fairways hit
27% fewer 10-15-footers made
28% fewer greens hit (GIR)
50% fewer up-and-downs from rough
62% fewer sand saves
74% fewer 15-20-footers made


276% more 3-putts

Some low hanging fruit there! More time will be spent on the practice green this winter.