In case you landed here and are wondering what this blog is about - I have decided to create a plan and document my progress towards the objective of attaining a scratch handicap. Hopefully by sharing my progress I will remain disciplined and who knows maybe inspire someone else to achieve their own goals.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Coming around

The golf season has begun in earnest here in Georgia It was 82 degrees here today That might be a record for March 14th. The golf course is as green as I have ever seen it after an amazingly mild winter.
I'm starting to feel good about where my game is. I have been working on some very tedious drills that should help me alleviate my number one swing flaw - taking the club and my arms too much too the inside on the back swing. Its starting to have some effect - for the first time ever I feel I am close to not being across the line at the top. It feels so weird but I guess any huge change should!!
I cant say for sure that it is entirely driven by this swing change, but I shot my career low at the Golf Club of Georgia last Friday - 72 from the Tradition tees. The differential for this round was -1.2. I expect my handicap to be 3.7 or 3.8 at the next revision. I am really excited because for the first time I feel scratch is really an attainable goal and soon!!
I have my first qualifier on April 10 at Orchard Hills. In the past, I have gone to these things hoping to not embarrass myself or maybe have a good day and squeak through! Right now, I aim to medalist! Lofty goal I know but lets see what happens.