In case you landed here and are wondering what this blog is about - I have decided to create a plan and document my progress towards the objective of attaining a scratch handicap. Hopefully by sharing my progress I will remain disciplined and who knows maybe inspire someone else to achieve their own goals.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

TaylorMade Driver Fitting (Awesome)

Finally the time came for my driver fitting session at the TaylorMade fitting center (aka The Kingdom) at Reynolds Plantation.
It was an amazing experience and one I highly recommend.  Here is the low down.

When I arrived, I had my own practice station set up.  After a quick warm up, we hit the MATT Room for a 3D swing analysis.  Basically, I got suited up with a bunch of probes - on the hands, elbows, shoulders, head, hips, knees and feet.   I then hit a bunch of balls with a special driver which also had probes.
The output was a 3-D Video Analysis and a particular driver recommendation.  (I managed to upload some of it to youtube - and yes that is me.  I can see that I do have one major flaw left to work on - the left arm bending in the backswing).  They give you a DVD with the full analysis and the software to view it to take home.

Next, I went to the range where they had the launch monitor set up.  I hit the recommended driver and the club fitter made a number of modifications until we found the club that provided me with the optimum performance.  Modifications were shaft and club head as well as changing the movable weights around on the club.
With my original driver I was carrying it 225 yards which was 242 yards with roll (on average).
By the time we got finished,  I was carrying 245 for an overall of 267.  (I hit a couple 278/279).  With this new driver, my spin rate was down to 2200 rpm with a launch angle of 13 degrees.   This is a huge improvement - basically I've gained 25 yards and seemingly with no loss of accuracy.
They built the specified driver in about 15 minutes.
The spec of the driver the fitted me with:
TaylorMade R9 SuperTri
8.5 degree loft
Fubuki 73 shaft Stiff Flex

Here she is:


  1. What was your swing speed?


  2. I believe it fluctuated between 97 and 99 mph.

  3. Thanks! I'm about to buy a supertri, without the benefit of a launch monitor. Do you remember how your spin numbers were (generally) with any other of the TP shaft options (for example, do you recall any shaft that spun less or spun more than the fubaki 73)?

  4. I will look it up for you tomorrow and give you all the data I came away with.
    In truth, I don't think there was much variation on the spin numbers for me with the other TP shafts. The main reason I was matched with the 73 was swing weight. I do not like clubs that have most of the weight in the head and thus the heavier shaft helped balance this out for me. I did have a problem that I hit my old driver too high but the fubuki 73 has helped lower my trajectory.
    My advice is if you are buying off the rack make sure you have a 30 day guarantee just in case. The most important thing with this club is that you are comfortable with the feel. There are so many adjustment options that you probably will be able to adjust it to alter your trajectory as necessary.

    Good Luck!
