In case you landed here and are wondering what this blog is about - I have decided to create a plan and document my progress towards the objective of attaining a scratch handicap. Hopefully by sharing my progress I will remain disciplined and who knows maybe inspire someone else to achieve their own goals.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ball Fitting

Bridgestone were at the Golf Club of Georgia this evening for complimentary ball fitting sessions (Bridgestone Ball Fitting Challenge).
They had a launch monitor and had me hit a bunch of drives with some different balls.

Below are the results, which I will explain a little further below.

Pro V1B330 RXSIdeal
club speed99.597.699.5
ball velocity136.9138.4147.3
launch angle10.412.712.7
backspin3125 rpm2780 rpm2465 rpm
carry232 yds239 yds258 yds

I hit a bunch first with my current ball (Pro V1), then some with a Bridgestone B330 RXS. (They chose this one based on my club head speed). They claimed (supported by the launch monitor) that I got an additional 7 yards carry from the Bridgestone. Supposedly the Pro V1 is optimum for club head speeds over 105mph.
Anyhow, I will try out their recommendation. After all 7 yards carry would translate to maybe 10 yards further off the tee. Could be the difference between a 5 and 7 iron!!
The 'Ideal' column is the maximum performance I could achieve with my swing and current driver according to their software.

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