In case you landed here and are wondering what this blog is about - I have decided to create a plan and document my progress towards the objective of attaining a scratch handicap. Hopefully by sharing my progress I will remain disciplined and who knows maybe inspire someone else to achieve their own goals.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cooling down

Its been a month since my last post and for good reason.  Its been sweltering here in Atlanta.   I think that I read somewhere, that there were fifty something days in a row with 90 + temperatures.  I'd hate to be a golf course superintendent at a time like this.  In actual fact, ours has seemingly done a very good job making sure our greens survived the heat.  I played Sunday and was pleasantly surprised at how well they rolled.   Many other courses round here have not been as lucky.
But I digress - so I came back from Ireland and for better or worse, decided that because of the quality of my driving I wanted to rebuild the swing again whatever  it took.  I told Tim this and he gave me some caveats - it may take a LONG time and I may have to swallow my pride along the way as I am likely to get much worse before I get better.   So far he has not been wrong :)
I have a couple of major swing flaws (probably mentioned this a few times before) that need to be resolved before I will reach the level of ball striking to which I aspire.   First, is the fact that I get the club too much to the inside on the backswing and second is the lateral sway during the swing.   For that reason, I have to work on 3 major things - keeping the right elbow closer to the side and not sliding back behind me, getting the left arm along my toe line in the backswing (and not inside/behind me) and finally preventing the right hip from sliding away from the target in the backswing. 

The net result so far is the I am really struggling.  It may take quite some time and effectively  I can't play any competitive golf at the moment - even little club events.   Every second shot seems to be either very good or terrible.  All I can do is continue to hit as many balls as possible and hope that the changes become ingrained to the point that I can execute correctly repeatedly.
Maybe I am crazy for taking this on?  I'm going to have to stick with it either way as I can't seem to get back to where I was 2 months ago anyhow.

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