Over the three days, I had 31/36/36 putts. 31 is acceptable but 36 is not for an aspiring scratch golfer. (In truth it depends on how many greens you are hitting in regulation - more greens should be more putts). I missed 4 three footers!! That has to change.
I was surprisingly very happy with my driving. I feel I have finally overcome the driving woes that plagued me for the last 6 months. I averaged 8 of 14 fairways for the 3 days but I only had two big misses both of which cost me a bogey.
Greens in regulation were ok but I am not yet fully committed to my technique. I feel only time and practice can help me here. It all goes back to starting the downswing with an unhinge rather than a lunge!! I get it right about 70% of the time but I still have a tendency to go back to old habits under pressure.
My chipping/pitching technique is vastly improved, however again I tend to not trust it under pressure. Need to get some advice from TW on how to improve in this area.
Interestingly I saw this definition from the USGA:
A "scratch golfer" is a player who can play to a Course Handicap of zero on any and all rated golf courses. A male scratch golfer, for rating purposes, can hit tee shots an average of 250 yards and can reach a 470-yard hole in two shots at sea level. A female scratch golfer, for rating purposes, can hit tee shots an average of 210 yards and can reach a 400-yard hole in two shots at sea level.
Alas it takes much more than being able to hit a 470 yarder in two to be a scratch golfer. I have a long way to go!
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