In case you landed here and are wondering what this blog is about - I have decided to create a plan and document my progress towards the objective of attaining a scratch handicap. Hopefully by sharing my progress I will remain disciplined and who knows maybe inspire someone else to achieve their own goals.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Some interesting stats

As I strive for a scratch handicap, I resolved to keep track of my stats this year (the idea being that I will have a clear picture of what needs improvement).
I have been using a tool provided by called makemebetter.
It involves entering a few details about each round played.

To summarize my stats:
Greens in Regulation - 50%
Putts per round - 33
Scrambling (saves when chipping/pitching) - 33%
Driving Accuracy - Excellent (for some reason it doesn't give me a number)

It goes on to tell me that my short game handicap is 4 and my long game is 5. Reasonably consistent with my official handicap.

33 putts is bad for someone only hitting 33% of greens.

I'm thinking that in order to get to scratch, I will need to get Greens in Regulation to 66% (or 12 per round), down to 30 putts per round and scrambling to 50%. In any case, it is an interesting tool - check it out at Make me Better


  1. Keep it up
