There are many schools of thought on what it takes to become excellent in any field. Is excellence something you are born with or can it be developed? Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers (an excellent read by the way) has some very interesting observations on the subject. By all accounts there are countless other explorations of this subject but Outliers is the best I have come across. Up to now most of what I have read on the subject is anecdotal based on those who have already achieved excellence in a given field. We've never before had a real time documentation of someones pursuit of excellence from beginning to end. Before now that is - enter The Dan Plan.
In December, I happened upon the tale of Dan McLaughlin. Dan is going to be putting Gladwell's theory on achieving excellence to the test. I hope I don't do the plan a disservice by summarizing it as a plan to become a professional golfer by completing 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. Deliberate, well thought out practice mind you and not just mindless blasting of range balls like many of us are accustomed to.
Dan is a brave man. In pursuit of his dream, he has put it all on the line quitting his previous job and using all of his savings to do what it takes to become a professional golfer. Did I mention that he had never played a round of golf before starting this project?
I had the pleasure of meeting and playing 18 holes with Dan while he was in Atlanta over the winter. I am very impressed with how he is going about the journey. I think there is an element of living vicarously through his voyage. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who has endless dreams of quitting the day job to pursue my dreams.
I think it's a fascinating story and am very curious to see how it progresses.
You can follow Dan's progress or offer him support at his website.
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