In case you landed here and are wondering what this blog is about - I have decided to create a plan and document my progress towards the objective of attaining a scratch handicap. Hopefully by sharing my progress I will remain disciplined and who knows maybe inspire someone else to achieve their own goals.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

State Mid Am

I just got done with round 2 of the state mid am at Berkeley Hills.  By virtue of missing the 36 hole cut, I won't be playing tomorrow.   First of all, I must comment on those greens.  They are infamous here in Georgia and they lived up to their reputation.  Our greens at the Golf Club of Georgia are fast but these were lightning.
I shot 82/83 not making a single birdie all weekend.   In round 1, I putted horrendously and in round 2, I just had 3 mental lapses.  On the ninth hole today, I lost a ball in the rough not far off the fairway and had to go back to the tee.
Tee to green, I hit it real well.  My only mistakes were when I got out of my routine and tried something different or tried to be too cute.
After my terrible putting performance on day 1, I had a buddy help me after the round on the practice green.  I have a slow languid stroke in general and because of the speed of those greens I was decelerating.  So, instead I moved to a shorter more pop type stroke (shorter back and accelerate thru) and it worked much better today.
Not sure what my takeaways will be.  On a positive note, I am hitting it better than ever.  However, I am not tournament ready.  I don't have the self belief/trust in my game early on.  Later in the round, I lose my focus on occasion especially after a good hole.  I fear I am not playing enough golf.  I practice a bit but playing a round of golf seemed like a foreign concept to me these past two days.  Perhaps it should be that I need to trust my method and not try new/unnecessary things in the middle of a round.

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